
Children of the night

Kim Allamand | 2017 | Drama | 23 min

Anna has doubts but she must decide and go down a painful path.


Barbara Kulcsar | Fiction |

Zürich Central Station. She is from Berlin, he is from New York. Their eyes meet...


Ilir Hasanaj | 2012 | Fiction, Comedy | 9 min

Walter Tell

Carla Lia Monti | 1999 | Fiction | 12 Min.

Wilhelm Tell takes Walter into the mountains, where he abuses him behind a rock.

The Masterpiece

Caroline Feder | 2015 | Comedy | 16 min

A little work of art can have a big impact.


Anita Blumer | 2013 | Fiction | 10 min

Aus dem Master-Projekt "Käufliche Liebe in Zürich"

Fledermäuse im Bauch

Thomas Gerber | 2004 | Comedy | 18 min

Viktor is a vampire who feels like a failure because he has not managed to bite anyone.


Ari Zehnder | 2012 | Drama | 20 min

A nightmare awakes Luca out of his wedding night.


Samuel Ammann | 1999 | Kurzspielfilm | 14.5 min

Grandpa is unreasonable.

Suche nach Liebe

Hans Kaufmann | 2014 | Drama | 13 min

A serial killer terrorizes Zurich.

Dada in the car

Gabriela Kvet | 2016 | Documentation | 19 min

Discovering Switzerland and its refugee policy while hitchhiking.


Talkhon Hamzavi | 2012 | Coming of Age | 24 min

Parvaneh, a young, Afghan migrant is living in a transit centre for asylum.

Zwingerlins Ende

Adrian Kelterborn | 2005 | Fiction | 11 min

Zwingerlin is stuck in a seaport.


Irene Ledermann | 2009 | 20 min

The brothers Oli and Jan are confronted with the absence of their parents.

Mary in the Ganzfeld

Daniel Loepfe | 2016 | Experimental | 9 min

Mary has to reclaim her heart from a vending machine in a strange dimension.

Little Fighters

Ivana Lalovic | 2010 | Fiction | 15 min

Three siblings are growing up in the war.


Piet Baumgartner | 2015 | Drama | 20 min

Alina is fifteen when her stepfather, a stately Nigerian, is arrested for dealing drugs


Fabienne Andreoli | 2017 | Drama | 15 min

Lea is in the middle of her preparation for an important figure skating competition.

Einladung auf dem Lande

Thomas Hess | 1999 | Fiction | 17 Min

At a dinner with her boss everything goes wrong for Karin.

De letscht Fall

Luca Ribler | 2015 | Fiction | 19 min

Kurt Früh Reloadet: Studenten interpretieren Kurt Frühs wichtigste Werke filmisch neu.


Cosima Frei | 2016 | Drama | 15 min

More than anything else, Dastan wants to belong.


Jan-Eric Mack | 2015 | Fiction | 24 min

Ein frischer Blick auf Früh: Studenten interpretieren Frühs wichtigste Werke filmisch neu.

Suki und Besjan

Nicole Boner | 2013 | Roadmovie | 8 min

Besjan, a young Kosovo Albanian boy receives from his uncle a job.

Black Hours

Wendy Pillonel | 2016 | Drama | 29 min

What is the consequence of an immolation by fire? Can radical action really change things?

Make My Day

Kirstin Reppas | 2019 | Road movie | 23 min

Reto, who decidedly has enough troubles of his own, drives a teenage runaway home to Italy

Taking The Dog Out

Felix Hergert | 2015 | Essay | 10 min

A glimpse of a city at night. Humans appear, stand still, stumble and disappear.

Nomina Domini

Ivan Engler | 2000 | Fiction, Horror, Science Fiction | 22 min

Der Computerspezialist Adam wird in ein abgelegenes Kloster gerufen.


Remie Blaser | 2014 | Drama | 12 min

Family reunion on christmas eve. Secrets are being disclosed, nerves are on edge.


Steve Walker | 2006 | 22 min

Endo and Andre are two bothers who haven't spoken to one another for years.

Alice - Paris

Stefan Muggli | 2008 | Fiction | 22 min

Alice is waiting for her acceptance letter from the arts college.


Jan Mettler and Jan-Eric Mack | 2009 | Fiction | 13 min

A boy dreams of being a great soccerstar.

Vom Himmel her

Veronica Pache | 2007 | Fiction | 13 min

Antoine glaubt fest an eine Sache: Seine Mutter komme sie ihn besuchen – als Engel.


Lisa Brühlmann | 2015 | Fiction | 21 min

Studenten interpretieren Kurt Frühs wichtigste Werke filmisch neu.


Hans Kaufmann | 2013 | Kurzspielfilm | 4.5 min

A woman meets a werewolf.


Jonathan Hug | 2019 | Drama | 20 min

Fabrice is getting abused by his girlfriend, what is he going to do?

Documentary Films

Der Komplex

Fabienne Boesch | 2002 | Documentation | 30 min

More than 800 people inhabit Lochergut, a tower block in the heart of Zurich.


Delia Schiltknecht | 2015 | Experimental | 6 min

Bad images should disappear suddenly! Since negative images mustn’t been thought.

To the other end of the world

Risa Madörin | 2003 | Documentation | 28 min

Both say that it was the love of their lives. But this love could not be.

Conversation over the fence

Lisa Gerig | 2014 | Documentary, Essay | 13.5 min

A documentary essay-like film about the deportation center in Zürich.

The breath

Fabian Kaiser | 2015 | Dokufiction | 11 min

In the vacuum of depth delusion is pulsating.


Maria Müller | 2010 | Documentary | 73 min

Three muslim women, three generations, one family.

Yo no tengo miedo de nada

Patricia Stotz | 2002 | Documentation | 20 min

Mari-Carmen and Conchita are playing and talking. They open a fictional dialogue.

Padrone e Sotto

Michele Cirigliano | 2014 | Documentary | 72 min

In the deep south of Italy a group of men play a drinking game named: Padrone e Sotto.

Im Abseits

Maurizius Staerkle - Drux | 2014 | Essay | 15 min


Caroline Sipos | 2007 | Documentary, Essay | 27 min

Ein Essay über geträumte Bilder und der Suche nach Wirklichkeit.

Be free

Camille Budin | 2008 | Shortfilm, Fiction | 27 min

Three men living on a camping site between a highway, a river and two cliffs.

Dark Black Eyes

Franziska Schlienger | 2010 | Documentary | 51 min

Paul Haller led a life of yearning for the absolute truth.

Ma Na Sapna

Valerie Gudenus | 2013 | Documentary | 86 min

Surrogacy in a clinic in the Northwest of India.

No hands, no chocolate

Susanna Hübscher | 2002 | Documentation | 26 min

The author sends her alterego “Susi” on a search to find the prince of here dreams.

Raving Iran

Susanne Regina Meures | 2016 | Documentary | 84 min

Anoosh and Arash are at the centre of Tehran’s underground techno scene.

My Life as a Film

Eva Vitija | 2015 | Documentary | 77 min

When I came of age, my father gave me a film about my life.

Little Water

Angela Spörri | 1999 | Documentary | 27 min

An island owner and his life between dream fulfillment and everyday life.

Meine Mutter

Fanny Bräuning | 1999 | Documentary | 25 min

My mother has had multiple sclerosis for 22 years.

Le Dimanche en famille

Annie Gisler | 2013 | Documentary | 25 min

"Sunday with the familiy" is an intimate portrait of a family observed from the kitchen.

Zurich East

Béla Batthyany | 2003 | Documentation | 40 min

Zurich East is a documentary roadmovie and a tribute to friendship.


Anne-Catherine Kunz | 1998 | Documentation | 9 min

Portrait of a coroner.


Natalie Pfister | 2015 | Documentary | 60 min

FAMILY FRAGMENTS reconstructs the memories of a divorced family.

The simple life

Titus Bütler | 2013 | Documentary | 40 min

In the midst of the steep slopes of the Maggia Valley they live.


Fanny Bräunig | 2001 | Documentation | 30 min

Choreographer Barbara Cleff places an advertisement and wakens many dreams.


Marvin Meckes | 2017 | Documentary | 23 min

Maja and Jörg fight for the Swiss Minigolf Championship.

The Children of Babel

Lena Mäder | 2016 | Documentary | 50 min

Children with an immigration background find a common language in classical music.

Sarah Sheeba

Andrina Schneller | 2011 | Documentary | 32 min

Sarah Sheeba was born in India and left behind in a home by her sick mother.

Die Einweicher

Romana Lanfranconi | 2006 | Documentary | 30 min

The film accompanies four mentally handicapped musicians in their everyday lives.

Unknown Territory

Anna Thommen | 2013 | Documentary | 92 min

UNKNOWN TERRITORY accompanies young migrants during school in the integration class Basel.


Aurelio Buchwalder | 2019 | Documentary | 70 min

Dialogue with a penal colony.

Degree Films 2023


Achille Lietha | 2019 | Fantasy | 9 min

A lonely artist is called by a disembodied voice.

Electric Fields

Lisa Gertsch | 2023 | Drama | 80 min

An inexplicable shift in the rules of the world brings to light people’s forgotten dreams.

Theory of Change

Dennis Stauffer | 2023 | Documentary | 72 min

A political hero's journey without a happy ending

Without Reason

Vanessa Blättler | 2023 | Drama | 25 min

Frida goes through a rollercoaster of emotions, told in a surprising and multilayered way.

Degree Films 2022

The true face

Emanuel Hänsenberger | 2022 | Drama | 16.5 min

A stormy concert. A winemaker. And her blind father who won't listen.


Pascale Egli and Aurelio Ghirardelli | 2022 | Documentary | 23 min

Is love more than just a projection?

Chagrin Valley

Nathalie Berger | 2022 | Documentary | 62 min

A journey to a crystallized past through the residents and workers of an elderly home.

The Glasbox

Lena Imboden | 2022 | Drama | 19 min

Play becomes serious: a journey into the depths of repressed memories.


Andrea Popović | 2022 | Drama | 28 min

A story of belonging, melancholia and ripped roses.

Half Conversations

Valentin Raeber | 2022 | Comedy | 8 min

A listless young man suffers from the expectations of those around him.


Michael Schwendinger | 2022 | Documentary, Experimental | 18 min

A visual study of the ambivalence of human needs.

Heart Fruit

Kim Allamand | 2022 | Drama, Comedy, LGBTQIA, Dance | 20 min

5 episodes about imperfection in relationships.

Der Molchkongress

Matthias Sahli | 2022 | Experimental, Fantasy, Science Fiction | 15 min

Stop feeding the salamanders!


2022 | Drama, Mobile | 12 min

So that the silken thread does not tear, the firstborn takes over the parental tasks.


Stephanie Burla | 2022 | Drama | 15 min

Due to the current political state, a Polish grandma is asked to emigrate to her family.


Ian Oggenfuss | 2022 | Drama | 17.5 min

The opera singer Enrico is confronted with his mothers death on the premiere night.

get up and go

Aurelio Ghirardelli | 2022 | Road Movie | 14 min

To feel the wall you are running against, it is necessary to move.

Time Stranger

Lara Jacobs | 2022 | Drama | 9.5 min

An easily distracted young woman loses her grip on time.

Degree Films 2021


Vanja Victor Kabir Tognola | 2021 | Fiction, Comedy | 15 min

Unable to afford a fancy holiday, a family hides at home to save their reputation.

Love will come later

Julia Furer | 2021 | Documentary | 81 min

A young Maroccan in search for love and a brighter future. What price will he pay for it?

Forget me not

Lea Gygli | 2021 | Fiction | 22 min

In the care of the forest Yuna finds acceptance for the cycle of life.

So far, so good

Leon Schwitter | 2021 | Experimental, Comedy | 13.5

Four groups sweat without noticing that the water is up to their necks.


Lars Mulle | 2021 | Comedy, Short, Drama | 8.5 min

Summer is over, it's hard to let it go.

Onur Calling

Annik Faivre | 2021 | Documentary, LGBTQIA | 37 min

In the year 2018 Onur leads the filmmaker to the gay prides in lstanbul and Zurich.


Rapahel Schulze-Schilddorf | 2021 | Essay | 18.5 min

Destruction is a part of us, we are part of it.

Smoke Break

Alan Sahin | 2021 | Documentary | 9.5 min

Seven places where people are on a cigarette break.

The Evil Witch

Valentin Räber | 2021 | Adventure | 11 min

In a medieval village, Valesquita discovers the sinister machinations of her mother.

Folly for Two

Nicole Doppmann | 2021 | Coming of Age, Drama, Experimental | 8 min

On her magical search for freedom, Mia also finds herself.

Antes de Cenar

Manolo Zacate Lizárraga | 2017 | Fiction | 17 min

A portrait of a family is revealed through their dreams.

A town still standing

Marvin Meckes and Lukas Fuhrimann | 2021 | Documentary | 18.5 min

Everything ticks in Triberg, the birthplace of the cuckoo clock. Only time stands still.

Domiz 2

Shafa Semo | 2021 | Dokumentafilm | 22 min

It seems all difficult for the family. But the hope is still there.


Jan-David Bolt | 2021 | Fantasy, Horror, Comedy | 6 min

Crush. Crush. Crash.

Degree Films 2020

Jesus loves you

Urs Berlinger | 2020 | Drama | 15.5

A father-son story about faith and heavy metal.

The sad Ballad of Isabell K.

Carlo Beer | 2020 | Satire, Black Comedy | 20.5 min

Unable to overcome the death of her dog, Isabell decides that no one should have a dog.

The Nitwits

Jan Linhart | 2020 | Comedy, Serie | 19 min

Hate your job? Don’t jump! Watch THE NITWITS instead.


Flurina Gutmann | 2019 | Children | 9.5 min

Gaia lives alone in the forest. To save the planet, she needs to go to town.

Das Ende der Unschuld

Daniel Best Arias | 2020 | Fiction | 69 min

Manuela erlebt auf dem Geburtstag ihrer Freundin Vanessa eine unvergessliche Nacht.

Bićemo Najbolji

Jelena Vujovic | 2020 | Drama | 20 min

A Romeo & Juliet story set in the Kosovo War 1998.

The train station

Elias Jutzet | 2020 | Comedy, Fantasy | 13 min

Four strangers are waiting for a train in an remote train station.

Oh my dear child

Seraina Scherini | 2020 | Drama | 18 min

Mother, daughter and cat are looking for love.


Daniel Grabherr | 2020 | Drama | 21 min

A mother is confronted with her son’s suicide.


Florian Hinder | 2020 | Drama | 29 min

A peasant couple loses everything, but they discover love.

Café Zentrum

Fabienne Steiner | 2020 | Documentary | 20.5 min

The end of an era is near – for a generation as for the Café Zentrum

we are fine.

Lukas Bösch | 2020 | Direct Cinema | 15 min

A digital shopping experience.

Human Resources of Ugago

Ennio Ruschetti and David Oesch | 2019 | Science Fiction, Comedy, Animation | 13.5 min

Dave is the last human in an office full of hip robots.

Pushing Boundaries

Lesia Kordonets | 2020 | Documentary | 100 min

A portrait of a country, being incapacitated by the war – it had lost its limbs.


Beryl Guhl | 2020 | Drama | 16 min

Larissa, a young woman seeks recognition using socialplatforms as guidelines.


Jonas Schaffter | 2020 | Documentary | 83 min

Arada – displaced to a foreign homeland.

Degree Films 2019


2019 | Love Story, Thriller | 6 min

In search of a stranger, a young woman goes into her deepest dream world.


Marlene Maggi | 2019 | Drama | 6.5 min

13-year-old Emil fearfully awaits his mother’s arrival.


Noah Frey | 2019 | Drama | 21 min

Are we shaped by our memories or are we shaping our memories?

Make My Day

Kirstin Reppas | 2019 | Road movie | 23 min

Reto, who decidedly has enough troubles of his own, drives a teenage runaway home to Italy


Jonathan Hug | 2019 | Drama | 20 min

Fabrice is getting abused by his girlfriend, what is he going to do?

No Promised Land

Raphael Bondy | 2019 | Documentary | 52 min

Four young Ethiopian Jews struggle with racism against their community in Israel.

Things Falling Apart

2019 | Science Fiction | 25.5 min

In the future everyone has a brain implant from TEL that gives people telepathy.

I see you

Luca Ribler | 2019 | Kurzspielfilm | 20.5 min

Christina lässt zu das Joel Nacktfotos von ihr macht. Kann sie ihm damit vertrauen?


Aurelio Buchwalder | 2019 | Documentary | 70 min

Dialogue with a penal colony.

Hand in Hand

2019 | Satire | 3 min

Two politicians shake hands. The situation gets out of hand.


Giorgi Sakhelashvili | 2017 | Drama, mystery | 7 min

During a night’s drive, Luca is caught up in his past and loses his sense of reality.

Anna Dongmu

Hae-Sup Sin | 2019 | Fantasy, Coming of Age | 18.5 min

A Swiss-Korean girl meets a mysterious North Korean man, who appears in her wardrobe.

Human Resources of Ugago

2019 | Comedy, Science Fiction | 13.5 min

Dave is the last human in an office full of hip robots.


Fabiana Serpa | 2019 | BioPic | 29 min

Princess Therese of Bavaria, travels incognito to Brazil in 1888.


2019 | Thriller, Drama | 10 min

Sweat, blood and tears go into making every dish.

Degree Films 2018


Jelena Pavlovic | 2018 | Fiction, Coming of Age, Onirism, Surrealism | 18 min

A journey into the depths of the subconscious.

Fragments of a Farewell

Michael Karrer | 2017 | Drama | 15.5

A little girl is immersed in the grieving process of her father‘s death.

Riese Mamma

Sarah Rathgeb | 2018 | Fiction, Drama | 15 min

Sarah is pregnant and has to tell her divorced parents the big news.

Elephant in the room

Chanelle Eidenbenz | 2018 | Fiction, Drama | 20 min

Irna seeks comfort in her own world, where rubber doll Elias makes up her reality.


Gianni Keller | 2018 | Fiction, Tragicomedy | 16 min

Dimi visits his hometown in Italy, which he regrets right at the start of the journey.

Don't make a fuss

Natascha Vavrina | 2017 | Fiction | 18 min

Leon finally wants to leave everything behind him and start a new life.

All Good

Luisa Ricar | 2018 | Drama | 18.5 min

With friends, sex at an afterhour, an unspoken No. All good?

Degree Films 2017


Fabienne Andreoli | 2017 | Drama | 15 min

Lea is in the middle of her preparation for an important figure skating competition.


Luca van Grinsven | 2015 | Horror | 13 min

Two friends are partying with an unexpected visitor.


Dominik Locher | 2017 | Drama | 85 min

David is not ready for fatherhood. He starts using steroids.

Intervention in einer Bank

Matthias Sahli | 2017 | Fiction, Experimental, Satire | 13.5 min

A man tries to safe the employees of a Swiss bank by the use of interventions.

Mask of Sanity

Oliver Rogers | 2016 | Fiction, Drama | 7 min

An intimate play about dark and hidden desires.

Sono Pippa

Yasmin Joerg | 2017 | Drama | 28 min

Pippa looses herself in dreams of becoming a famous actress.

Black Hours

Wendy Pillonel | 2016 | Drama | 29 min

What is the consequence of an immolation by fire? Can radical action really change things?


Emanuel Hohl | 2016 | Drama | 9 min

The view of a child of a family breaking apart


Cosima Frei | 2017 | Drama | 17 min

Maren is a tourguide. Her motto: keep smiling & retain composure, until Max is in her bus.

The Children of Babel

Lena Mäder | 2016 | Documentary | 50 min

Children with an immigration background find a common language in classical music.

Blue My Mind

Lisa Brühlmann | 2017 | Coming of Age, Drama, Fantasy | 97 min

15-year-old Mia is facing an overwhelming transformation.

The Kids are alright

Rafael Kistler | 2014 | Fiction, Comedy, Drama | 9.5 min

Luka is clattering through the night with his Piaggio Ciao until he met a little boy..

Facing Mecca

Jan-Eric Mack | 2017 | Drama | 27 min

Roli comes to Fareed’s assistance when he is faced with the burial of his Muslim wife.

Children of the night

Kim Allamand | 2017 | Drama | 23 min

Anna has doubts but she must decide and go down a painful path.

Almost everything

Lisa Gertsch | 2017 | Drama | 24 min

Leandra has to bring her husband Paul into a retirement home. But he would rather go to th

The Blackdyer

Christina Welter | 2016 | Fiction, Horror | 17 min

Together with his mother Finn moves into an old house.

Cloud Rider

Manuela Rüegg | 2016 | Fiction, Drama, Children's Film | 18 min

Maximilian loves daydreaming, but his mother won’t let him.

Project “Kurt Früh Reloaded 2015”

De letscht Fall

Luca Ribler | 2015 | Fiction | 19 min

Kurt Früh Reloadet: Studenten interpretieren Kurt Frühs wichtigste Werke filmisch neu.


Cosima Frei | 2015 | Fiction | 16 min

Kurt Früh Reloadet: Studenten interpretieren Kurt Frühs wichtigste Werke filmisch neu.


Yasmin Joerg | 2015 | Fiction | 15 min

Studenten interpretieren Kurt Frühs wichtigste Werke filmisch neu.


Jan-Eric Mack | 2015 | Fiction | 24 min

Ein frischer Blick auf Früh: Studenten interpretieren Frühs wichtigste Werke filmisch neu.


Wendy Pillonel | 2015 | Fiction | 17 min

Studenten interpretieren Kurt Frühs wichtigste Werke filmisch neu.


Lisa Brühlmann | 2015 | Fiction | 21 min

Studenten interpretieren Kurt Frühs wichtigste Werke filmisch neu.

Project “Sex Sells in Zurich 2013”


Piet Baumgartner | 2013 | Fiction | 19 min

Aus dem Master-Projekt "Käufliche Liebe in Zürich"


Anita Blumer | 2013 | Fiction | 10 min

Aus dem Master-Projekt "Käufliche Liebe in Zürich"


Rebecca Panian | 2014 | Fiction | 15 min

Aus dem Master-Projekt "Käufliche Liebe in Zürich"


Dominik Locher | 2013 | Fiction | 14 min

Aus dem Master-Projekt "Käufliche Liebe in Zürich"

Huere Müehsam

Anja Habermehl | 2013 | Fiction | 15 min

Aus dem Master-Projekt "Käufliche Liebe in Zürich"

Red Light District

Sarah Bellin | 2013 | Fiction | 12 min

Aus dem Master-Projekt "Käufliche Liebe in Zürich"