
2024 | Documentary | 80 min | MA Film

Directed by Max Carlo Kohal

Produced by Dynamic Frame

On a container ship, the young sailor Rudmer dreams of becoming a captain himself one day. When newcomer Tycho comes on board, Rudmer is annoyed by his colleague's laziness. He tries to motivate Tycho, but he leaves the ship. His place is taken by Leanne, with whom Rudmer quickly builds up trust. But their closeness only lasts for a short time, as the sailor decides to transfer to another ship. Despite the distance, the two manage to maintain their friendship. A year later, Rudmer becomes captain.

Runtime80 min
Year of Production2024
Country of ProductionSwitzerland
Aspect Ratio1.85:1
Audio FormatStereo, 5.1, Dolby Atmos
Shooting FormatDigital
Spoken LanguageDutch
Available SubtitlesEnglish, German, French
Director, Max Carlo Kohal
Cinematography Lukas Gut
Music Mirjam Skal
Editor Roman Stocker
Tania Stöcklin
Production Manager Nicole Boner
Produced byDynamic Frame
Leading ActorsRudmer Souverein
Supporting ActorsLeanne van Tournhout
Daan Bonsing
Martin Greck
Tycho van der Waal
Sound Max Carlo Kohal
Sound Design Oscar van Hoogevest
Sound Mixing Martin Scheuter
Technical Support Postproduction Daniel Loepfe
Co-Production Company Dynamic Frame
Executive Producer Filippo Bonacci
Programme Director Sabine Boss