Michael Hertig

Diploma 2000
Born in 1964 in Zurich. Graphic design at the Kunstgewerbeschule Biel. Own graphics studio. Foundation of the Hugofilm. 2000 Preparation Diploma University of Art and Design Zurich, Film / Video Studies (HGKZ).

2000 | Wunderland | Experimental, Animation | 12 min | Switzerland

1999 | Bitte nicht berühren

1998 | Trauzeuge

1996 | When Angels Spit Down

1995 | Picture Shower

1986 | Running for Sheltter

1985 | Pull My Dasy

Showcase Projects


Screenplay, Director, Cinematography, Editor | 2000 | 12 min

A postcard. A little holiday story, in a country without borders.