Daniel Grabherr

Bachelor of Arts in Film 2020
Daniel Grabherr has been born and raised in Glattfelden, Zurich in Switzerland. After the mandatory school he completed a pre-class at the F+F school for art and Media Design. During this year he already had a chance to embrace the art of film. Thereafter he made an 4 year apprenticeship as a decoration designer. After his apprenticeship he went to the Gestalterische Berufsmaturitätsschule while working as a decoration designer. From 2015 to 2020 he studied Bachelor of Arts in Film at the Zurich University of Arts.
Director, Screenplay

2020 | Mother | Drama | 21 min | Switzerland

2019 | Grimbart | Fiction | 18 min | ZHdK | CH

Showcase Projects


Director, Editor, Screenplay | 2020 | BA Film | 21 min

A mother is confronted with her son’s suicide.