Lesia Kordonets

Documentary Filmmaking
Master of Arts in Film 2020
Bachelor of Arts in Film 2013
Lesia Kordonets was born and grew up in the remote border region of Ukraine, which was once a western outpost for the UDSSR and now represents the Eastern borders of the EU.
Shaped by the political and societal whirlwind of her home country, she graduated from the Theodor-Heuss College in Ukraine, which promotes democratic leadership and public involvement into Eastern Europa. Since then she has engaged with medium film.
In 2008, she moved to Switzerland and produced In both countries short movies which won dozens of international prizes.
In 2020, she finished her Masters in Film at the Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, with a focus on editing and documentary film production. She is working now in postproduction.
Her dissertation, a full length movie called Pushing Boundaries, had its world premier at the “Vision Du Reel” in Nyon 2021, and won the ZONTA award.
Director, Cinematography, Editor

2020 | Pushing Boundaries | Documentary | 100 min | Switzerland

2013 | Balazher | Documentary, Road Movie | 29.5 min | Ukraine

2010 | Die Namenlosen | Documentary | 18 min

2007 | Contra spem spero: Das Leben danach | Documentary | 30 min

2007 | Quo vadis? | Fiction | 4 min


2011 | Regisseurin und ihre Muse | Fiction | 8 min | Editor | ZHdK | CH

2009 | Verwandlung | Experimental | 3 min

2006 | Not macht kreativer | Documentary | 25 min

Showcase Projects

Pushing Boundaries

Director, Screenplay, Cinematography, Editor | 2020 | MA Film | 100 min

A portrait of a country, being incapacitated by the war – it had lost its limbs.


Director, Cinematography, Editor, Screenplay | 2013 | BA Film | 29.5 min

A Ukrainian bus, old in years and kilometers.