Annie Gisler

Bachelor of Arts in Film 2013
Born 1983, in Basel. Trained as a Photographer, Annie discovered cinema during her foreign exchange semester at the San Jose School of Cinema (CR). Her new passion took her to Buenos Aires and Madrid where she trained as a film director, prior to pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Cinema at the Zurich University of the Arts.
Screenplay, Director

2013 | Célestine | Fiction | 13 min | ZHdK | CH

2011 | Ginette | Music Video, Fiction | 4 min | CH

2008 | Gainsbourg est un génie | Fiction | 21 min | Editor | ZHdK

Director, Editor

2018 | La Petite Mort | 61 min

2013 | Le Dimanche en famille | Documentary | 25 min | Switzerland

2007 | Bienvenidos a la Suiza de Centro America! | Documentary | 28 min | Universidad Veritas

Showcase Projects

Le Dimanche en famille

Director, Editor | 2013 | BA Film | 25 min

"Sunday with the familiy" is an intimate portrait of a family observed from the kitchen.