Andrea Maag

Diploma 2023
Andrea Maag (1997*) first educated herself as a businesswoman, wrote treatments and short film scripts on a part-time basis, and attended various acting courses. Later she completed an internship as a production assistant at Filmgerberei and then studied multimedia production. She was nominated twice for the SRF Treatment Award, wrote and produced the SRF web series «2059» and completed her master's degree in the practical field of screenwriting at the ZHdK in 2023.

2023 | Die Frau des Spions | Drama, fiction feature | Screenplay

2023 | Interviews | Drama, TV-Serie | Screenplay, Writer's room

2022 | Mumma dils tschéss | Thriller, TV-Serie | Screenplay, Writer's room

2021 | 2059 | Thriller, Webserie | Screenplay, Production, Script & Continuity, Postproduction | SRF | CH

2020 | Prisoner of Mind | Thriller, Short Film | Screenplay, Production, Director

2020 | Our Island, our Responsibility | Documentary | 10 min | Screenplay, Director, Concept, Postproduction | Kos TV | GR

2019 | Kopfsache | Reportage | Postproduction | CH

2018 | Eier hab ich | Portrait | Director, Concept, Postproduction | CH

2017 | #Tief_Flug | Drama, fiction feature | Treatment

2016 | Auf dem falschen Dampfer | Thriller, fiction feature | Treatment | SRF